
Created page with "Hello, this is nkrs200 here, and I am an admin here on the TTS Wiki. If you have any questions, feel free to post a message to my message wall, and I will answer back as soon..."
Hello, this is nkrs200 here, and I am an admin here on the TTS Wiki. If you have any questions, feel free to post a message to my message wall, and I will answer back as soon as I possibly can.  My reason for joining this community back in 2011 is because I want to be known for my own videos that I do thouroughly well. I have many fans already, so that is why I am here. I started making my TTS videos back in 2011 (I was 15 at the time) when I was just freelancing on the Internet looking at some random stuff until I stumbled across an error message generator site known as Atom Smasher. I decided to generate two error messages. One of them is below (only in text form, sadly).

Title: Test
Message Text: This is a test.
Choice 1: OK
Choice 2 (Disabled): Cancel

From that point on, I started making my own videos, but I did not post them. I kept on making these videos all the way up to October 2011. After that, one of my friends suggested that I should upload these videos. At that time, I had Season 1 completed and Season 2 Episodes 1 through 5 of my Funny Windows Errors series completed. I uploaded my videos, and almost immediately, my videos started to receive attention.

There is a first for everything. The first car. The first video. This is a typical nkrs200 balloon pop-up. It is used to show his viewers information that is either highly important or information about updates to his website and other stuff.But what about the first balloon pop-up? Yes, I, nkrs200 , have balloon pop-ups in my videos. I am a trend setter, not a trend follower. Being in the back is not as fun as being in the front where you recieve all of the attention. That is why I switch my video making methods. That is why I do some of the stuff in my videos. That is why I am becoming a small YouTube success, even though I have a small, but decent, number of subscribers on YouTube.

Now, this may sound weird, but I sometimes make my error messages in PowerPoint 2013. My reason: To have the older operating systems and the more modern day operating systems included in my videos. In fact, I go from Windows 95 to the current version of Windows. I felt a sense of accomplishment when I did this. In fact, PowerPoint 2013 can embed the audio in the presentation so that you do not have to worry about losing it forever. Not only that, but you can embed images and videos, and when you delete them, they will remain in PowerPoint.  It is as simple as that.

People always ask me the question: "How are you able to do all of this?". My answer to that question: I have a never ending train of thought.

"One must think outside the box in order to seek out something new."
- Myself

You may follow me at the following locations:

My wiki:
My Twitter:
My Facebook:
My (Old) Website:
My Current Website:
My Discord:
My YouTube Page:

I am the creator of Microsoft Sam reads Funny News Bulletins.