Microsoft Sam of Commodore James

Microsoft Sam Kane Stickman is a stick figure who works along with Commodore James at Studio 52 in Star City, Aurorian, in the Absolute Earth. He is fond of movies especially in comedy with surrealistic humor, spoof/parodies, and fish out of water comedies. Even if not at work at Studio 52, he hangs around with Commodore James at the city for any city planning for the district of Studio 52. He used to fight during the invasion of Absolute and has retired from being a fighter.

Microsoft Sam

Microsoft Sam of Commodore James
Full NameSam Kane Stickmin
BirthdateJune 28, 1998 (age 25)
RelativesMicrosoft Mike (brother), Microsoft Mary (sister)
OccupationFounder of Star City Studio 52
FriendsCommodore James, Mike Stickman, Mary Stickman, Scotty Bologna, etc.
InterestsDubbing every TV show in Text-to-speech, critics, surrealistic humor comedy, etc.