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Echoes-P (talk | contribs) (A character in Echoes-P's TTS Series "Nerroration".)
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Revision as of 23:16, 18 October 2020

Microsoft Sam (of Echoes-P) is a character who resides on ROFL Island in the Echoes-P Universe who has the characteristics of what you'd expect from a TTSC Sam (Loves tacos and IWAY Cookies, reads errors and hates Windows Vista).


Created in a lab alongside Mike and Mary, he was programmed to read errors and be funny.

Character Notes

  • Enjoys making fun of Mary for sounding like a genderbent Mike
  • Invented the ROFL Tractor Beam
  • Created a universe called the MacinTalk Dimension
Echoes-P Sam.png


He is related to Microsoft Mike And Mary, is frenemies with Bacon, Doors, and 3 other undecided Obsession Characters (page will be edited once they debut in Nerroration), and is enemies with Radar Overseer Scotty (Echoes-P).