
Created page with "thumb|200px|The rules for the toilet The '''Rules for the Toilet''' is an alias for a famous Japanese sign, indicating the rules for proper use o..."
[[File:Toilet Rules (2).jpg|thumb|200px|The rules for the toilet]]
The '''Rules for the Toilet''' is an alias for a famous Japanese sign, indicating the rules for proper use of a toilet. The sign was made famous by [[Microsoft Sam reads Stupid and Weird Signs]], appearing in the original video on June 23, 2008.

==Standard rules==
#Sit and shit in an orderly manner.
#No peeing in the toilet standing up. (Your penis is fat, smelly and disgusting.)
#No puking in the toilet. (Nobody needs to see or smell your puke.)
#No sitting and shitting like a damn retard. (We can see your shit coming out of your ass when you do that.)
#No fishing. (What the hell? Nobody will ever do that. What would you catch? Maybe somebody else's shit.)
#No shitting in the urinal. (That's the best idea I have ever heard.)

==Other rules==

There are other signs indicating other rules for properly taking a dump or a piss. Users may view these signs in their respective episodes of Microsoft Sam reads Stupid and Weird Signs.

===Episode 4===
#Sit and shit correctly.
#Do not stand on the toilet and shit. (It's just wrong.)
===Episode 7===
#No peeing standing up. (As usual, your penis is fat, smelly and disgusting.)
#No sitting and shitting like a damn bitch. (We can see your shit exploding out of your fat ass, when you do that, bitch.)
===Episode 11===
#Please roll the toilet paper into the toilet, rip three sheets off and send the rest down the toilet. (That's just awesome. To hell with the environment, I wipe my ass with the environment.)
#No standing and shitting like a damn retard. (Please, I do not want to see your partially digested BLT sandwich, splattered all over my [[Microsoft Sam's Diarrhea Infested Toilet|diarrhea infested toilet]], thank you very much.)
===Episode 14===
#No sitting and shitting like a damn retard. (Nobody needs to see the giant monsoon of diarrhea pouring out of your anus, thank you very much.)
#Place your butt cheeks on the toilet, sit up straight, place your hands on your knees, and sit and shit in an orderly fashion because there's a huge fucking lineup outside waiting to get that anal fudge out of their anus.
===Episode 16===
#No peeing in the toilet standing up. (Your STD infected penis is fat, smelly, and disgusting.)
#No sitting and shitting like a damn retard. (The last thing I want to see is partially digested corn stew mixed with tacos and vanilla ice cream being slowly shat out in full view of everyone.)
#No pissing like a dog in the urinal. (You're not a bitch!)
#No oral sex. (Why in holy hell any girl would want to suck on your repulsive penis beyond me? It's probably half the size of an atom and infected with every disease known to man.)
===Episode 18===
#Proper vomiting technique is as follows: First, get down on your hands and knees and pray to the toilet gods. (Their blessing will grant the power of levitation so you can cleanly vomit up everything you've eaten in the history of history into the toilet. CAUTION: May result in death.)
#Do not vomit on the floor while praying to the toilet gods. (The toilet gods will be most displeased and you will die to death as a result.)
*Caution in both cases: Vomit may contain worms.
===Episode 21===
#No sitting and shitting like a damn retard. (Put your buttocks on the seat and shit like a normal person, we don't give a shit if the seat has more bacteria than a superbug-infested hospital.)
#Sit and shit in an orderly manner. (Please evacuate your anus like a gentleman.)
#Throw an entire roll of toilet paper down the toilet. (What the fuck, who would waste precious toilet paper? Then again, after I dump my anus, I tend to flush an entire roll down the toilet anyway.)
===Episode 26===
'''Round 1'''
#No diving. (The swimming budget has really suffered in recent years. No need for synchronized swimming when we have synchronized shitting.)
'''Round 2'''
#No sitting and shitting like a damn retard. (What, do you want us to see a waterfall of diarrhea streaming out your butthole?)
#Sit and shit in an orderly manner. (Be a civilized person and shit normally.)
===Episode 28===
#Sit and shit in an orderly manner. (That's right, this is the gentleman's toilet. There's even a dress code. If you wish to expel all that anal fudge from your anus, you must wear a three-piece tuxedo while sitting on the toilet. Only classy bowel movements on this toilet.)
#No standing and shitting like a damn retard. (No one, I repeat, no one wants to see a waterfall of partially digested corn and chicken pouring out of your butthole! You'd probably miss the toilet and spray the entire stall with your volcanic shit that I will have to fucking clean up!)
*If you deliberately disobey these rules, then I, will, make, you, fucking clean this shit up instead, with a toothbrush, and your bare hands, bitch!
===Episode 29===
#No standing on toilet seat. (This is not a fucking Olympic event, you won't get style points for showing everyone the stream of explosive diarrhea exploding out your anus. Sit and shit in an orderly manner, god damn it!)
#No sitting and shitting while shitposting. (Stop posting dank memes and start squeezing those giant turds out your butthole.)
#No peeing in the toilet standing up. (Stop wasting a good toilet by pissing. The time you waste by pissing is time better spent sitting and shitting.)
===Episode 30===
#No sitting and shitting like a damn retard. (Yes, we know you ate Taco Bell last night. No, we don't need to fucking see Shitty Niagara Falls streaming out your butthole.)
#No doing squats in front of the toilet. (We don't care if you need to stretch that sphincter, you will sit on the toilet and not shit all over the goddamn floor.)
'''Proper toilet rules for taking an incredible shit'''
*Sit and shit in an orderly manner.
*Be sure to use the entire roll of toilet paper to wipe all that anal fudge out of your anus.
*Then punch the toilet afterwards for good measure.
*Wash your hands, and you're done.
*Oh, and if you just need to piss, use the urinal. Don't waste the toilet. Toilets are for squeezing out massive turds from your super tight butthole.
'''More Rules'''
#No peeing in the toilet standing up. (Yes, we know you can't aim your penis, you can't do anything right.)
#No peeing in the toilet while sitting on the floor. (You can't even aim while standing up, what makes you think you can aim while sitting down? You'll piss everywhere, on the floor, on the sink, on the mirror, on the bartender, you'll piss everywhere, except the fucking glass.)
#Sit and piss in an orderly manner. (Bitch, no time to piss when there's time to sit and shit in an orderly manner!)
===Episode 31===
'''Rules for Using Nature as a Toilet'''
#No sitting and shitting like a damn retard. (You'll make all the animals cry as they watch huge turds squeezing out your butthole and splattering all over the nice grass.)
#No peeing on the grand standing up. (Feel free to piss while doing a handstand or cartwheels, but no peeing on the ground standing up.)
'''More rules'''
#No sitting and shitting backwards like a damn retard. (It's bad enough that we have to see the rocket-propelled diarrhea blowing out your butthole, but doing it backwards?! You're cleaning up this fucking shit if you spray turds all over the stall door!)
#Sit and shit in an orderly manner.
#Put the toilet paper in the toilet, not the fucking garbage can! (The bathroom is not a fucking chemical weapons factory, flush your disgusting shit-smeared toilet paper away like a normal person.)
#If you're really having trouble on the toilet, press the button on the wall and a swirling vortex will open in the toilet bowl, creating a black hole that will instantly suck all that shit out your anus into the darkest voids of space-time.
===Episode 32===
'''Round 1'''
#Sit and shit in an orderly manner.
#No peeing in the toilet standing up. (Your penis is fat, smelly, and disgusting.)
#No peeing in the toilet like a bitch. (Use the urinal like a civilized person or we'll smash the toilet over your head.
#No sitting and shitting like a damn retard.
#No praying to the toilet gods. (I think. Maybe it's just no puking in the toilet.)
#No using the toilet paper to turn yourself into a toilet paper mummy. (You're not King Tut's retarded cousin, King Turd. Save that toilet paper for your butthole.)
'''Round 2'''
#Thank you for not choking the toilet bowl. (That's weird. Every time I choke the toilet bowl, I can hear it say, "Harder, harder!" Huh, weird.)
#No washing hair or clothes in the toilet please. (Fah, I'll wash myself with detergent as much as I goddamn want.)
#Please use toilet with precision and elegance. (Oh, I'll sure show you precision and elegance!)
===Episode 33===
*Do not make eye contact when using the urinals.
*No talking to people in the stall.
*No running. Unless you accidentally clogged the toilet, then get out before anyone sees it was you.
*No asking stall mates for more toilet paper. If you run out, just accept your fate and weep silently.
*Please keep poop grunts and other noises to a reasonable volume.
===Episode 34===
'''Toilet Rules'''
#No sitting and shitting like a damn retard. (We've been reminding you of this goddamned rule for 11 years! For the last time, we don't want to see a stream of shit spewing out your shitter!)
#Sit and shit in an orderly manner. (It's important to have good posture as you expel a bunghole behemoth out of your bowels.)
'''Toilet Brush Rules'''
#It is quite wrong to brush your teeth with the toilet brush. (We don't have turd-flavored toothpaste here, so don't fucking use the toilet brush as a toothbrush.)
#It is wrong to brush your hair with the toilet brush. (If you really want to lose all your hair and be bald, expose your hair to a toilet brush still dripping with disgusting toilet water.)
#It is almost correct to scrub out your butthole with the toilet brush. (It's a good idea in theory, but you're just going to spread toilet water all over your butthole.)
#It is correct to scrub out the toilet with the toilet brush. (Good luck trying to clean out your toilet after you experience an explosive diarrhea dump.)
===Episode 35===
'''Toilet rules'''
#Sit and shit in an orderly manner. (Place your butt cheeks in the proper position, sit up straight, and squeeze those massive turds out your butthole.)
#No standing up, bending over, aiming your anus at the toilet, and taking an enormous, volcanic, hippopotamus-style diarrhea dump all over the toilet. (Don't even think about trying that shit, or we'll fucking make you clean it up with your bare hands.)
'''Shower rules'''
#Stand and wash yourself in an orderly manner. (And don't fucking waste water, the fucking water bill keeps going up.)
#No sitting and shitting like a damn retard in the shower. (We already expect you to obey the rules for the toilet, don't fucking make us create the rules for using the shower as a toilet!)
'''Even more rules'''
#Sit and shit in an orderly manner. (Duh.)
#No sitting and shitting like a damn retard while the toilet lid is closed. (What the fuck is wrong with you! It's bad enough we have to see you squeezing out huge turds from your butthole, but to dump them on the toilet? Shit all over my toilet and I'll fling those feces at your fucking face!
#Pee in the toilet standing up. (What! A toilet I'm allowed to pee in while standing up? Yayayayayayayayayayay w00t!)
#No peeing on the toilet while the toilet lid is closed. (It's bad enough if you can't fucking aim your penis while standing up, what makes you think you can hit the target while the toilet lid is closed? Open the fucking toilet lid and piss in an orderly manner! ...Bitch!)
===Episode 36===
'''Urinal Rules'''
#Stand and piss in an orderly manner.
#No yelling at your urinal neighbor about stupid shit such as the complexities of urinal cakes. (Forget all that shit, why the fuck isn’t there an empty urinal between those two guys? Using a urinal directly next to someone using another urinal is punishable by death in every country.)
'''Toilet Rules'''
#No peeing in the toilet standing up. (You aim your penis about as well as a sniper in the middle of an earthquake. All you’ll do is make a pissy porcelain throne.)
#Pee in the world’s tiniest urinal standing up. (That fucking urinal’s so fucking small it makes your penis look the size of Mount Fucking Everest.)
'''More Rules'''
#Sit and shit in an orderly manner. (Place your butt cheeks upon the toilet seat and blast all that anal fudge out of your anus.)
#Dispose of all used toilet paper in the toilet. (Duh!)
#No sitting and shitting like a damn retard. (God fucking damn it, use the fucking toilet properly, nobody needs to see you blast out Christmas-colored turds from the bowels of your butthole.)
#No sitting and shitting backwards like a damn retard. (Forwards was bad enough, but backwards? You shit like a fucking hippo, that shit’s gonna splatter all over the bathroom and I will make you fucking clean it up!)
#No disposing of entire toilet rolls in the trash bin. (What the fuck are you even thinking?! Toilet paper is the most valuable resource of them all! Oil, gold, silver, platinum, printer ink, all are worthless compared to toilet paper.)

===Episode 37===
#Sit and shit in an orderly manner. (And by orderly, we mean wear a three-piece tuxedo while relieving your bowels. Blast out butthole behemoths with class and style.)
#No peeing in the toilet standing up. (Use the damn urinals, you toilet wasters! Also call your doctor right away if your penis has transformed into a sphere.)
===Episode 38===
'''Toilet Brush Rules'''
#No stealing the toilet brush and hiding it under your coat. (You dirty thief! No seriously, you're gonna get shit all over yourself.)
#No brushing your teeth with the toilet brush. (9 out of 10 dentists agree you should floss and brush your teeth twice a day. The 10th dentist, is the retard, who thinks a fucking toilet brush will prevent cavities.)
#Ladies, no brushing your hair with the toilet brush. (I don't care if the fashion magazines say the new toilet bowl grease look is great for your hair, do not fucking brush your hair with a fucking toilet brush.)
#No golfing with the toilet brush. (Yes, we've seen your golf-shaped turds. No, you will not fucking play golf with a toilet brush and shitty golf balls.)
#Use the toilet brush to clean the toilet like a normal person, god damn it!
'''Urinal Rules'''
#Always leave one urinal open between you and other people.
#Maintain a close distance to the urinal.
#Stand up straight and piss in an orderly manner.
#Do not fucking use a urinal next to one that's occupied. (You dare break the sacred code of urinal use?)
#No staring at another urinal user's penis. (Yes, his penis is bigger than your tiny penis, sucker.)
#Do not stand far away and piss at the urinal. (You think you have steady aim, but you'll just fucking spray everywhere, you disgusting shithead.)
#No talking with other urinal users. (Fuck talking about the weather or sports or the complexities of urinal cakes, shut the fuck up and piss.)
#No dropping your underwear to the floor while pissing. ("Mommy, mommy, help me go to the bathroom!" Idiot.)
#No sitting and shitting in the urinal. (Use the fucking toilets for your explosive diarrhea dumps, shitheads.)
#No pissing on other urinal users. (Do humans look like fucking urinals to you?)
#No sharing an occupied urinal. (This asction is punishable by death in every country on Earth.
#No peeing on the floor. (The urinal is right fucking there are you're aiming at the floor?! Fucking aim your penis and piss properly graaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...)
===Episode 39===
#No sitting and shitting like a damn retard. (It's bad enough we have to see explosive diarrhea spewing out your anus at 69 mph, what the fuck even is that stupid pose? "Oh look at me doing yoga while I shit out last night's Taco Bell like my anus is a rocket engine blasting off!" Fucking idiots.)
#Sit and shit in an orderly manner. (Place your butt cheeks in the proper position on the toilet, you hear me? Not on the sink, not on the garbage can, not on the paper towel dispenser, you will fucking sit your stupid ass ON, THE, FUCKING, TOILET! And if you violate these rules, I'll take away all the fucking toilet paper.)
===Episode 40===
#Sit and shit in an orderly manner. (This is the only acceptable position, so fucking follow it you fucking morons.)
#No sitting backwards. (You'll fall backwards and spray the bathroom walls with diarrhea that I'll have to fucking clean up.)
#No sitting Japanese-style, AKA no sitting and shitting like a damn retard. (Sit and shit properly, Nobody wants to see last night's creamed corn and baked beans spewing out your butthole.)
#No peeing in the toilet while erected. (You can stand erect all you want, that's the only erect thing you've got.)
#No squatting and shitting. (Stop trying to karate-chop the wall and shit normally.)
#No standing on the toilet seat and shitting. (Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it's Super Turd, standing and shitting like a fucking shithead!)
#No shitting like a cannon. (You're not auditioning for the 1812 Overture, so sit and shit like someone who isn't a complete fucking freak.)
===Episode 41===
'''Round 1'''
#No sitting and shitting like a damn retard. (You think we all need to see the gigantic turd sausages squeezing out your super tight butthole? Of course we fucking don't! Freak.)
#Sit and shit in an orderly manner. (Bonus points if you wear your finest tucks while shitting out your finest turds.)
'''Round 2'''
#Sit and shit in an orderly manner. (Do not clap and cheer when you finally squeeze that constipated crap out your butthole, shit quietly like a normal fucking person!)
#No handstands on the toilet. (Don't even think about it! All it takes is one sudden loss of gravity and we've got a turdnado on our hands.)
#No whimpering and shitting and regretting your poor life choices. (Who cares if you've lost your job and your money and your girlfriend? The toilet only wants your shit, not your personal problems.)
#No performing a spontaneous musical number. (Don't miss the thrilling new musical, butthole blockage on broadway!)
'''Round 3'''
#Sit and shit while concentrating intensely. (Focus on blasting all that anal fudge out of your anus at blazing speed, nothing else matters.)
#No sitting backwards and shitting like a damn retard. (Bitch you're not even aiming your anus at the toilet bowl, you're going to spew last night's creamed corn and meatloaf straight from your butthole all over the fucking floor! Sit and shit fucking properly!)
#Place all used toilet paper in the toilet. (Or feel free to share used toilet paper with others, it will help the environment. Just kidding. I hate the environment, I wipe my ass with the environment.)
#No throwing away used toilet paper in the trash bin. (You throw away your diarrhea-soaked toilet paper in the bin and I'll empty the bin all over your fucking bed! You little shit.)
'''Round 4'''
#Sit and shit in an orderly manner with the toilet lid closed. (The fuck? Are we trying to make the toilet into a massive vortex of shit?!)
#No sitting and shitting backwards in an orderly manner. (I don't care if you're polite, you sit and shit backwards and you're going to show everyone the baked beans and cabbage you ate for lunch spewing out your butthole at 93 miles an hour! Now excuse me, I need to take a massive dump.)

===Sochi Rules===
#Sit and shit in an orderly manner. (Do not hang from the ceiling and aim your anus at the toilet. It will miss and the FSB will make you clean it up with your tongue.)
#No peeing in the toilet standing up. (Your other partner in the stall doesn't need to see your fat, smelly, and disgusting penis.)
#No praying to the toilet gods or puking in the toilet. (It will disturb your stallmate.)
#No sitting and shitting like a damn retard. (No one wants to see your partially digested vodka when you do that. If you do this, the FSB will force you to clean the toilet bowl with your tongue.)
#No fishing in the toilet. (You're not Vladimir Putin, you won't be able to catch a great white shark like a badass.)
#No taking drugs. (That is messed up.)

{{#related:Microsoft Sam reads Stupid and Weird Signs}}
{{#related:Microsoft Sam reads Funny Windows Errors (Thunderbirds101)}}
[[Category:Running Gags]]