Microsoft Sam (nTEXTtospeech TV)

Microsoft Sam (from nTEXTtospeech TV) is a TTS voice from nTEXTtospeech Universe, he is a main character of nTEXTtospeech's Series like Microsoft Sam reads Disturbing Errors, Seigents, and other series. His personality is basically like other Sam's. Except a bit more discipline, have more powers, feel a bit more emotional, and a little bit more intelligent, but still more dumber. Its personality is basically a mix of Thunderbirds101's and nkrs200's Sam.

Microsoft Sam
Microsoft Sam (nTEXTtospeech TV)
Full Name(anonymous) or just Microsoft Sam
FriendsnTEXTtospeech (his boss), Microsoft Mike (sometimes), Microsoft Mary (sometimes), Samantha (possibly Girlfriend), Natalie, ROFLrobot (his assistant), nRobot (his assistant),
EnemiesNatural Bill Gates, Microsoft Anna, The Naturals (formerly), Scotty, Bacon, Gold, Fire.
InterestsGames (sometimes), Failing at Something, Reading Errors, Ruining someone's day, Taking a diarrhea infested toilet, IWAY Cookies, Tacos, being a TTS Voice dude.