Microsoft Sam reads Funny Windows Errors (JSS Studios)

Microsoft Sam reads Funny Windows Errors is a text-to-speech comedy series on YouTube created by JSS Studios. It consists of Microsoft Sam reading funny error messages and him reacting to them.

Microsoft Sam reads Funny Windows Errors (JSS Studios series)
320px JSS Errorshow.png
Title card for FWE (not used)
Current Season2
Release DateSeason 1: June 19, 2017 - December 10, 2017 Season 2: January 13, 2018 - October 7, 2019
Creator/ProducerJSS Studios
Errors created byJSS of JSS Studios, YouTube users
Successor:Microsoft Sam reads Funny Windows Errors (JSS Studios, rebooted)

Season 1

The first season of Microsoft Sam reads Funny Windows Errors was little more than an experiment, hence the episodes are two minutes long at their maximum. It did, however, include adaptations of existing TTS characters (Microsoft Mike, Radar Overseer Scotty, Bacon, and Gold) and two of JSS's own characters (JSS of JSS Studios and Gravy).

Season 2

Even after starting a new season on the new year (13 January 2018), episodes were still around two minutes in length. The final episode of this season (and series) introduced Sicromoft RAM as a character. JSS is currently working on a reboot, of which one episode is on YouTube.


  • JSS cancelled this series because he felt it was "rushed".