National Security Agency (NSA)

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The National Security Agency (NSA) is a signals intelligence agency that is mentioned in plenty of text-to-speech videos. When Microsoft Sam or another character mentions the NSA, the video glitches, and an error pops up saying that the video, or user, is now the property of it. They conduct international espionage via global monitoring, collection, decoding, translation and analysis of information and data for foreign intelligence and counterintelligence purposes - a discipline known as signals intelligence. They also spy on Microsoft Sam and if he tries to stop or make fun of them, the NSA will take him to the NSA Jail for extreme punishments. It is voiced by Microsoft Brutus (included in the SAPI4 speech system package), which is Microsoft Mike electronically pitched-down. It also says that the NSA was in the Illuminati by typing the webpage (Illuminati backwards) and entering the NSA website.